Incent has been working with USD259 on a custom app which will help out with youth financial education. The app is tentatively called “Kindred”. The solution will closely mimic the app being sold to credit unions but will be more focused around the educational curriculum.

“We are excited about the partnership to help provide a unique educational tool to the school district.” Logan says “There was a lot of excitement about the solution when we showed what it could do for them.”


The tool will be written for the financial literacy program that all high school students are are required to attend. USD259 goes off of the FEFE financial literacy program. The curriculum is being written around that so that students can learn about money the way it work in real life.

The solution provides effectively a year of financial management. The students have to deal with unexpected expenses, depositing checks, paying bills, getting loans, making a budgets and setting up different type of share accounts.

The solution is set to launch at East High School in the spring. Assuming it goes well it will be rolled out more broadly at the school district. If it goes well there then it will be pushed to FEFE to be added to the standard curriculum.

Published On: May 15th, 2019 / Categories: New Partner /

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